11 toxic ingredients you may be using in your skin care
Your skin is the largest organ in your body and what you place on your skin goes much deeper than the surface. The cosmetic industry uses thousands of synthetic chemicals in its products. As well as being toxic for the environment, many skin care ingredients are toxic for your overall health and well-being. This article explores what you need to avoid and how you can stay safe from these harmful chemicals in your skin care routine.
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Exfoliation and Microdermabrasion
Your skin's job is to protect you day and night from the elements of the outside world. There's actually a lot that goes into keeping your skin healthy, and part of the process involves the constant regeneration of cells. Here's some tips on keeping your skin healthy.
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The benefits of having a facial
Facials are ideal once a month the reason being skin will completely renew itself approximately every 28 days. In this time your skin cells are constantly being replicated from the treated cells to replace the old cells. Find out the benefits of having regular facials.
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Cavitation and skin tightening – The key to body contouring
Ultrasonic Cavitation and RF Skin Tightening is a new, non-surgical fat removal and tightening procedure. Because there is no surgery and no anaesthesia, there is no down time.
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How many sessions does it take to remove a tattoo?
The booming market for laser tattoo removal means the effectiveness and safety of tattoo removal technology has also gone through significant change. Although, just as tattoos are unique, different tattoos will need a different number of sessions. There are a number of factors that make one tattoo fade faster in response to laser tattoo removal than others - and this article explores each of these factors.
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